The Immortal Bisexual Angel funny Anime Scene 17

by Nicholas Dupree & Steve Jones,

Platinum End plummeted to the bottom of the series ranking episode after episode. How did a show with a pedigree like "from the creators of Death Note" crash and burn so hard?

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the participants in this chatlog are not the views of Anime News Network.
Spoiler Warning for discussion of the series ahead.

Nick, I'd like to begin with an apology. I know you were probably already prepared to bid your farewells to this show until the day unto dust we shall all return, but here I am exhuming its freshly worm-infested corpse for one final shellacking. All because I needed to know how bad Platinum End's second half had to be for the ANN community to consistently rank it lower than the softcore harem porn starring a guy who refused to have a harem.
Eh, it's fine. I've long accepted that the End is just the Beginning. And honestly it wouldn't feel right saying goodbye to this past season without flushing on this turd one last time.
If you need a refresher, we had the privilege of covering the first half at the end of last season, so you can catch up with that ( Or don't! Because nothing that happened there mattered, and this second part does a dogged job trying to do one worse.
That's true. Let's all pour one out for God's strongest warrior.

I, for one, am shocked that a series with this particular pedigree would kill off a major antagonist midway through the series.
Here's to you and your normal one, Kanade.
Really the most horrifying part is that Metropoliman still has easily the most human motivation of any villain in this show.
Also bold to make him a terminally online atheist too. When he's, you know, fighting to become God with power granted to him by an angel. And somehow that becomes a fucking running theme for this show's bad guys.
God I love how bad this show is with its own morals. Months on end of Mirai pitifully insisting that all life is precious and we should never kill anyone because that will make us all unhappy and then we get a minutes-long sequence of a dude being turned into salsa, complete with x-ray shots of the bullets tearing through his meat. Who the fuck needs ideological consistency?
I don't! I wish we got more of that! At least it isn't boring, and it taps into the ultraviolent tasteless excess that helped make Death Note so damn entertaining. Platinum End's direction still sadly doesn't hold a candle to Tetsuro Araki's over-the-top eye, but indulgences like Kanade's complete disintegration at least scratch at the door.
Unfortunately that's also the last hurrah for any slightly interesting creative decisions in this show. After that the primary director, Hideya Takahashi, promptly skipped town to work on the new Urusei Yatsura show and we were left with the visual stylings of the guy who made some of the least remembered Ghost in the Shell entries. You can tell this transition happens when everything inexplicably turns grey.
I'm not gonna blow smoke up anyone's ass and say the first half of this show was visually inventive or anything. But it really is noticeable how immediate the downturn in visuals happens, and how it turns an already dull story into an endurance match.
We do definitely have to lay blame on the story too, which somehow takes the first half's philosophical stiffness and regresses into a full rigor mortis of 101-level diatribes about ontology and free will.
That's not even his plan. He's just going along with Nasse's suggestion. Mirai lacks enough of a conviction about anything to have "plans." He's a cipher devoid of thought or personality, beyond a vague sense that he should disagree with certain people because they happen to be the current antagonist.
Doesn't help that the person he's most attached to is also a complete nonentity. I've seen some terrible anime romances but Mirai x Saki may be the perfect blackhole of anti-chemistry.

It's amazing that for how much of their shared dialogue is just saying how being with the other makes them happiest of all, we almost never see them smile or laugh or even look mildly unbothered to be next to one another.
Just. Good lord.

I swear I didn't edit that. That's just how this show is.
I was HOWLING at that part. My dude has a Pentium II processor up there. It's the best he can do. I also really love this still from the beginning of that scene, because it's one of the most nonfunctional shots I've ever seen. Impossible to distinguish, nothing being accomplished, featuring two characters who may as well fade into the background.
Real fucked up part is this is still probably the least awful romance Ohba's ever created. If nothing else Mirai's never gone on a rant about how ambitious women are stupid for not knowing their place, and they don't arbitrarily decide to never talk to each other until they're both famous celebrities.
It's funny, cutting that specific rant out and leaving us with just the story's casual misogyny only ends up making Yuri one of the most likeable characters on the show. Certainly the most relatable.
Dude gets handed an essay assignment and scribbles "I dunno" before handing it back to the teacher. I respect the honesty. He still gets an F.
I guess we finally gotta talk about the skidmark that is this show's final antagonist.
Yoneda really drags the whole show down into the mud. And it has less to do with the dude's ideas or ethics and a lot to do with the fact that he just will not shut the fuck up.
It's honestly worse in the manga. At least here you get to listen to Kenjiro Tsuda talk about total bullshit that means less than nothing. In print all you get is endless panel-sized word bubbles saying even dumber stuff.
I didn't even think about that! Absolutely miserable. He's also, for me, an anime personification of an uncomfortable reminder of my collegiate militant atheist phase. Like, yeah dude, I get it. I read Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris too. You're not special.
Turns out it's easy to win a debate when you just pull numbers out of your ass and nobody there has enough of a brain to question them.

Source: dude just trust me.

Also I hope you're paying attention to that totally real statistic, because it's the ONLY THING in the show that spurs Mirai to actually hold something resembling determination.

And beyond the cringe misanthropy of that, you'd think a story like this, however poorly conceived or written, would be chomping at the bit to finally, in its climactic arc, address some fundamental questions about the concepts of God and religion. How have they helped mankind? How have they hurt mankind? Is it a net good or evil? Does it even matter, in the long run? But no, Platinum End just flattens the debate to "7 million people will kill themselves if nobody becomes God." That's the only thing taken in consideration going into the climax.
It's okay. Mirai finally grew some gonads so he's definitely going to put the needs of the greater goo—

This kid sucks so bad.
I genuinely don't know what the fuck the point of that was? Yoneda says it was all according to keikaku, presumably so that Mirai would lose his murder arrow with the demotion, but he was already about to kill the guy so like...what was he trying to accomplish?
It's just one more grain of sand in a desert of irrelevance. Platinum End, front to back, is utterly bereft of anything that matters, and given the way the series ends, I can only conclude that this is intentional.
That's more confidence than I have in what I think this ending was trying for. All I can really garner is "making the literal child whose only desire is to off himself God is not a great long-term plan."
I mean I wouldn't go so far as to use the word "trying," because everything in the last episode is insultingly lazy. It's one big "gotcha" for every single character and, by extension, the audience. Posturing as deep but as flimsy as a paper tiger.

Also God kills himself lol.
Ah come on, there's some really good philosophizing in here somewhere. We just have to look!
I guess when you're an effectively omnipotent being you have nothing better to do than come up with weird metaphors about fruit.
Or you've got THIS. Which honestly would be cute in a completely different series that treated both of these characters better. And that's how much I have to stretch to say something nice here.
So here's the thrust of the ending if you don't want to watch it yourself (and you don't). God killing himself causes all life on Earth to disappear, because God created life. However, God himself was created by more advanced beings, who have seeded various Gods on planets like Earth to see if they can grow a creature capable of killing them. Because those advanced beings are immortal, and they also don't know who created them, and it sucks, and they want to die. Everything sucks. Yoneda was wrong. Mirai was wrong. Nothing matters. Fuck you.
It's the final rusty nail in the show's coffin. It's the perfect emblem of its turgid nihilism. And it sorta helps a lot make sense in retrospect: its hero had no convictions, because Platinum End had none. All it had was contempt for itself and for its audience. It is, admittedly, a little fascinating in that regard, but not nearly enough to justify its own vacuous existence.
It's a show that seemed to either have no idea what it was doing, or actively hated what it was doing, sometimes both at once. It throws high concepts out with neither care nor curiosity, and in the process it also shits on incredibly personal topics without even noticing. It's a big, steaming pile of failure that stayed in the corner until it calcified.
Yeah, ultimately, I can't pretend to know what was going on in its creators' minds, but from its opening death game dirge all the way to its intellectual forfeit of an ending, it just seems to resent its own existence. What a bizarre way to be.
I'm you're interesting in something sort of similar that actually has an idea of what it's doing and isn't boring as piss, just go watch DEVILMAN crybaby and have a better time. Or re-watch Death Note. Or file your taxes.

So Steve, since you're probably the only person at this intersection, which was the worse "End" show: this, or World's End Harem?

I've got just the answer for you:

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